Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Wayne Upton, Penny's farrier, has come out and had a look at her foot again. He has dug away some more of the foot and hopefully that will help her. She seemed more comfortable when he did this, as straight away she bore more weight on it, resting her other hind. On his advice I am going to tub her foot tonight and poultice it for three more days.

Her leg is still swollen but Wayne believes that this is probably due to the build up of lymphatic fluid in her leg - caused by her not bearing weight fully on that leg. Hopefully this is the case and as she becomes more comfortable then she will bear more weight on it. If there is no improvement by Friday then I will have to call the vet out.

I have been advised that the addition of some garlic to her feed may well help her immune system while she is feeling a bit down, so I have purchased some and will duly give her a couple of handfulls in her feed.

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