Tuesday, 15 May 2007

I decide to bring Penny in on Sunday 13th as the weather has been appalling. The rain has been pretty constant and is set to be the same for at least the next 10 days, if not the month. I felt that it was pretty awful for the mares to be constantly wet and therefore cold, and not have anywhere dry to lie down. They are lying down more and more now as they are heavily pregnant.

So Kim and I brought Penny and Lily in. Penny behaved like a spanner at first, neighing repeatedly and box walking. I then realised that the pony who was in the stable next to her had moved, and so she couldn't see anyone and thought she was on her own. I rang Bev, the lady who runs the yard and asked her if we could put the pony back. She very kindly said yes and so moved the pony back. Penny was much calmer when I put her to bed last night. She will soon get used to the routine of coming in and out. We are trying to leave them out as long as possible and turn them out at 7 am or before. I turned them out at 5 am this morning!

I will ask for the caravan to be brought up this week. Chris, the vet is coming to unstitch Penny on Monday 21st May.

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