Friday, 18 April 2008

I miss Lady P

I'm missing Lady P more than I thought I would. It's quite odd not seeing her waiting for her breakfast. I emailed Charles at Langaller Stud and he was kind enough to reply, saying that Lady P had travelled well and settled in. He said that he was really pleased with her. More recently I had an email from him to say that she was covered by Catherstone Dazzler earlier in the week. Fingers crossed that she will be in foal first time.

It's such a relief knowing that she is in good hands. As soppy as it sounds, I was struggling to sleep when she first went! I was worried about her.

Percy had his mane pulled the other day. I've been doing it a bit at a time. He has been under whelmed by it so that is very good! Found out today that I am too late to enter him in the South of England show. what a muppet I am, I didn't realise that it would fill up this quickly. I'm quite gutted.

There are more photos and videos of them on my facebook page - Twig Fairweather

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